
Dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling
Dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling

dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling

I love that this game allows so many opportunities to come at the level from different angles/approaches. It ended up that the places I hadn't been able to get into were blocked by the window being repaired in the past/there are bars on the window in the present and I just needed to smash that to work my way into the room where the three guards are rifling through the chests looking for loot. Apparently whoever wrote that description didn't realize you can bypass all the doors (as I unknowingly had) by sneaking into the kitchen, climbing up onto the cabinets and working your way into a little pantry/storage cupboard leading out into the courtyard.

dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling

I went and grabbed the key and unlocked the door, and it just took me somewhere I had already been before. Imagine my joy when I saw the description say,"You cannot progress any further in this mission without this key, it is impossible to complete the level without it!" because I thought I must have missed out on a huge section of the map or something. So I hunted all around trying to find it without luck and ended up looking it up online. I explored the whole area and the only place I hadn't been was behind a door that needed the Master Key. I had been dicking around in that level for a couple of hours and done everything and was ready to leave but still had a couple of runes to get. The key in the dining room pissed me of on my first run. Dude near the edge gets alerted but trying to turn around he falls off the edge, killing both. I dominoed them, tried to get their attention by throwing a whiskey glass near them. There's a guard chikkin near the edge of a drop and one on the guard rail sitting. My favorite "no-kill gone wrong" has been near the watch tower in mission, I think 3? Just past the kitchen. Second time I lined up on it from the future and grabbed it before anyone's detection meter could fill up. All that and I didn't get ghost because a nest tender saw me and I was too pissed off by that point to fix it. I thought it might actually be on one of them so I went through the trouble of knocking them all out only to find it on the bench. It's not like you're not overpowered already since you can just poof back to the present if you're about to be caught, and it limits what you can do in the level.

dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling

They have a choice specifically to allow it, enforcing it in this one mission is kind of dumb. I wasn't a fan of how you couldn't use your powers, though. I can't help but wonder if at some point in development that was meant to be a more constant game mechanic but they scrapped that and just kept it to one level.

dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling

That was a really cool gimmick, and kind of an odd one.

Dishonored 2 mission 7 bone charm in the ceiling